Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/push/code-style Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/functional-tests/1 Pipeline failed
ci/woodpecker/push/functional-tests/2 Pipeline failed
ci/woodpecker/push/functional-tests/3 Pipeline failed
ci/woodpecker/push/functional-tests/4 Pipeline failed
17 lines
750 B
17 lines
750 B
# DigiComp.FluidRenderFunctions
This Package provides you with the possibility to register render functions, created from them, to use them dynamically else where.
Let me show you the idea:
< options="{books}" />
Assuming you know how the SelectViewHelper works, you know, you can provide an "optionLabelField"-argument to adivce the ViewHelper to use a property of your options.
But, what if you want to use a complete template, to display your books?
FluidRenderFunctions to the rescue:
<rf:registerRenderFunction as="renderBook" subjectName="myBook">
{} from {}
< options="{books -> rf:applyRenderFunction(function: renderBook)}" />