# DigiComp.SettingValidator This package allows configuring validators with a new configuration type. ## Introduction This package provides the `SettingsValidator` which uses the configuration type `Validation` to resolve the validators that should be applied to the value. It distinguishes between validators that are applied to the value itself and its properties. ## Resolving the validation configuration The `SettingsValidator` has an option `name`. If it is set, the name is used to resolve the validation configuration, otherwise the type of the value is used, which is mainly useful for objects where the FQCN is used. ### Resolving by option `name` To resolve the validation configuration by name just use the option `name`. ```php /** * @Flow\Validate(type="DigiComp.SettingValidator:Settings", options={"name"="MyNamedValidator"}) * @var MyObject */ protected MyObject $myObject; ``` The `SettingsValidator` will search for an entry inside the `Validation.yaml` with that name. ```yaml MyNamedValidator: ... ``` ### Resolving by type To resolve the validation configuration by type just do not set the option `name`. ```php /** * @Flow\Validate(type="DigiComp.SettingValidator:Settings") * @var MyObject */ protected MyObject $myObject; ``` The `SettingsValidator` will search for an entry inside the `Validation.yaml` with the FQCN of `MyObject`. ```yaml My\Package\Domain\Model\MyObject: ... ``` ## The validation configuration ### Difference between `self` and `properties` `self` contains a map of validators that are applied to the value itself. `properties` contains a map with property names of the value you would like to validate and each entry contains a map of validators that are applied to that property. ```yaml MyNamedValidator: self: ... properties: myProperty1: ... myProperty2: ... ``` ### Configuring a validator To configure a validator you use the type of the validator as key and the options as entries of that key. If the validator has no options or all the default values are used, set an empty map as options. ```yaml MyNamedValidator: self: 'My.Package:SomeValidator': myOption: "myOptionValue" properties: myProperty1: 'My.Package:SomeOtherValidator': {} myProperty2: 'My.Package:SomeOtherValidator': {} ``` ### Disable a validator To disable a validator you need to set the options to `null`. ```yaml MyNamedValidator: self: 'My.Package:SomeValidator': ~ ``` ## Using the `SettingsValidator` The `SettingsValidator` can be used to reduce the number of `@Flow\Validate` annotations and gives you the possibility of overwriting existing validation configurations in other packages. ### Using on properties Old PHP code: ```php /** * @Flow\Validate(type="My.Package:SomeValidator", options={"myOption"="myOptionValue"}) * @Flow\Validate(type="My.Package:SomeOtherValidator") * @var MyObject */ protected MyObject $myObject; ``` New PHP code: ```php /** * @Flow\Validate(type="DigiComp.SettingValidator:Settings", options={"name"="MyNamedValidator"}) * @var MyObject */ protected MyObject $myObject; ``` New validation configuration: ```yaml MyNamedValidator: self: 'My.Package:SomeValidator': myOption: "myOptionValue" 'My.Package:SomeOtherValidator': {} ``` ### Using on actions Old PHP code: ```php /** * @Flow\Validate(argumentName="myObject", type="My.Package:SomeValidator", options={"myOption"="myOptionValue"}) * @Flow\Validate(argumentName="myObject", type="My.Package:SomeOtherValidator") * @param MyObject $myObject */ public function myAction(MyObject $myObject) { ... } ``` New PHP code: ```php /** * @Flow\Validate(argumentName="myObject", type="DigiComp.SettingValidator:Settings", options={"name"="MyNamedValidator"}) * @param MyObject $myObject */ public function myAction(MyObject $myObject) { ... } ``` New validation configuration: ```yaml MyNamedValidator: self: 'My.Package:SomeValidator': myOption: "myOptionValue" 'My.Package:SomeOtherValidator': {} ``` ### Using inside validator configurations You can use the `SettingsValidator` inside the validator configuration to easily construct flexible structures. ```yaml MyNamedValidator: properties: myProperty1: 'DigiComp.SettingValidator:Settings': name: "MyOtherNamedValidator" MyOtherNamedValidator: self: 'My.Package:SomeOtherValidator': {} ``` ## Providing an empty validator It can be useful to provide an empty validator in code that is used by many projects. By doing so you can make sure that a different validation is possible in any project. ```php /** * @Flow\Validate(argumentName="myObject", type="DigiComp.SettingValidator:Settings", options={"name"="MyNamedValidator"}) * @param MyObject $myObject */ public function myAction(MyObject $myObject) { ... } ``` ```yaml MyNamedValidator: {} ```