# DigiComp.AttachmentViewUtility This package helps with recurring tasks of creating views for `neos/flow` projects. It delivers two traits: 1. `AttachmentViewTrait` creates views which returns downloadable resources 2. `EelFilenameTrait` allows to set the filename with an eel expression, which got the view variables as context They can be used together or standalone - but the filename trait does not make sense, if your view is not delivered by attachment. The `EelContext` contains the `String`, `Array` and `Translation` - Helpers. If you need more, you can connect to the `YourView::filenameEelExpressionContext` signal, which gets the context as argument. That way you can extend the context with whatever you need. ## Example SimpleAttachmentView.php: ```php class SimpleAttachmentView extends AbstractView { use AttachmentViewTrait; use EelFilenameTrait; public function __construct(array $options = []) { $this->addOptionFilenameEelExpression(); $this->addOptionsForAttachment(); parent::__construct($options); } protected function getAttachmentContent() { return 'Hello ' . $this->variables['name']; } protected function getAttachmentMimeType(): string { return 'text/plain'; } } ``` Controller: ```php class DefaultController extends ActionController { public function downloadAction() { $this->view->assign('name', 'World'); } } ``` Views.yaml: ```yaml - requestFilter: "isController('Default') && isAction('download')" viewObjectName: "Acme\\Vendor\\SimpleAttachmentView" options: filenameEelExpression: "'hello-' + name + '.txt" ```