DigiComp.AssetAttributes ------------------------ ![Build status](https://ci.digital-competence.de/api/badges/Packages/DigiComp.AssetAttributes/status.svg) This package allows you to extend Neos Media assets with custom attributes. This extension overwrites the original edit template of `neos/media-browser` - that way you get all of your custom properties and matching form fields in the classic asset editor. You can add new attributes, by adding them to your `Settings.yaml`: ```yaml DigiComp: AssetAttributes: customAssetProperties: author: type: 'textarea' # or empty for textfields position: 'end' ``` Each asset instance will get an "attributes" property introduced, you can work with in PHP or DQL. Examples: - Working with Asset instances: ```php $assetObject->getAttributes()->set($key, new AssetAttribute($key, $value)); ``` - querying with DQL: ```dql SELECT att FROM Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset a JOIN a.attributes att ``` - working with query objects: ```php $query = new \Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Query(\Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset::class); $query->setOrderings(['attributes.value' => \Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING]); ```